Welfare for everyone


Welfare for everyone


Welfare for everyone



Dog & Welfare is a Dog Day Care located in a beautiful forest in the town of Cardedeu, just 35
km away from Barcelona. In our facility you will find 10.000m2 fully dedicated to your dog’s joy
and your serenity.

All the perimeter is fenced and we also have a cozy bungalow with sofa, heater, kitchen, bathroom, electricity and water. There are numerous tree-covered areas providing shade on the hottest days and several places to rest.

A privileged lanscape with views to the massif of Montseny. A place where your dog can meet
the physical, psychological and emotional needs that ensure his/her well-being.


The motivation of this project lays in the lack of time we often suffer due to the fast-pace life at the city and the difficulty to find appropriate places to walk with our canine companions. Dealing with noise, cars or garbage can switch your dog’s walk into something stressful. We understand the busy lifestyle sometimes is not suitable for our furry friends’ needs.

That is the reason we had chose a place in nature, large and safe, where all those negative factors do not exist. At Dog & Welfare we give your dog an extra amount of activity, exercise and quality stimuli. In exchange, you receive a precious dose of time and tranquility.


Our motivation and energy is directed to the activities of exercise, socialization, cognitive stimulation, behavior guidelines. But above all, relax and fun. They will be always accompanied, loved and monitored.

activity and stimulation

What will your dog do?

The day at Dog & Welfare is divided into different activities with various objectives

Physical activity

Space exploration


Free play

Directed games

Cognitive and sensorial Stimulation

Break and Relax time

Take a look

About us


Co-Founder of Dog & Welfare. Psychologist (UB) and Canine Educator. Five years working in the social inclusion sector. Organized and dynamic, passionate about sharing his life with his faithful partner Marley.

“The arrival of Marley in my life made me realize of all the needs that a dog has and more important, that these needs change truough their lives. This triggered my interest into the canine world and that is why I formed myself as an educator. Along with my knowledge in psychology, I want to listen and guide people who share their life with a dog. ”


Director and Founder of Dog & Welfare, veterinarian with 3 years of experience in small animal clinic. Diploma in Surgery. Master in Animal Law. Human - Animal Bond Certified. She likes to talk about emotions, listen live music, practice yoga and the Asian food.

“Isi, our little dachshund accompanied us for 15 years and shake our family up positively. She
has been my inspiration to create a space where each dog is valued as an individual being and their needs are respected. That's why I want to be with you in the experience of sharing life with a dog and being able to bring welfare to many interspecies families. ”


journalist, in charge of the stories that occur in Dog & Welfare. Master in Animal Law, many years of experience at the retail sector and currently training herself as VTA. She likes the spontaneous, kimchi, sending whatsapp to his mother when she watches old films and Asturias.

“Neo and I crossed our paths 10 years ago. It is difficult to find words to describe a bond that
has been built without them. Trying my best to see life through his eyes helped me to consider my relationship with the other animals. I think that the human being needs to reconcile with his animal side and we have to begin to do it precisely with those who have made the greatest effort to understand and love us: dogs ”

find yours

Services and Rates

We offer different packs to make your dog enjoy the most of Dog & Welfare. One, two, three times a week. It’s up to you! Look at our packs.

Our service includes pick up and drop off


1 day a week for a month.


2 day a week for a month.


3 day a week for a month.

1 DAY · 32€

Hiring the service per day.


Monday to Friday

PICK UP: 09:00 – 10:30
DROP OFF: 17:00 – 18:30

wanna join us?

Let’s get started

We currently have the following protocol with the aim that new dogs can adapt properly to our group and activities. Steps to follow.



We ask you some questions about your dog in order to know some basic things about him / her before we meet. There are no correct answers.

Send us an EMAIL and we will send you the questionnaire.



Once a month we organize a meeting in our
forest with all the new people in order to see how the dogs interact, get to know each other and answer all kinds of doubts. When you send us the questionnaire, we will give you the next meeting date!



After we have met, we will agree on a day to do a trial, so your dog will go to the daycare and if everything goes well, he/she will be ready to be part of the pack.



We will always treat them as if they were our own

We will never force your dog to do any activity that he/she doesn’t want to do

Your dog will always be watched, that's why we are a team

We will priorize safety in all situations

We will always tell you the truth



What they say about us

“No hay mejor equipo que Marcel y Camila. Consideran a nuestros perros como un miembro más de la familia, igual que yo, y se preocupan por su bienestar a todos los niveles, aparte de ser amorosos y divertidos con ellos. Wanda les adora porque, además de sacarla de paseo o de acompañarme con ella al veterinario cuando no puedo ir sola con ella por problemas físicos míos, le enseñan juegos nuevos y le animan siempre a ir un poco más allá de sus posibilidades. Son realmente buenos en lo que hacen y mi tranquilidad cuando dejo a Wanda en sus manos es absoluta. No puedo dejar de recomendarles a todos mis amigos.”

Silvia & Wanda

“Camila y Marcel son los angelitos guardianes de los perros! Sin su ayuda y su predisposición por cuidar de mis perros cuando yo no puedo ocuparme con ellos, con el ritmo de vida que requiere vivir en una ciudad como Barcelona, seria imposible tener los perros bien atendidos y cubrir sus necesidades. Además, el cariño y amor que desprenden al preocuparse y cuidarse de los perros hace que tengas la certeza absoluta de que puedes confiar en ellos y que los peluditos van a estar igual o incluso mejor que si los cuidara yo misma, y como prueba de ello es el amor que les tienen mis perros.”

Sofi & Uli

“Camila y Marcel cuidan de Mr Python cuando tengo que ausentarme. Python tiene problemas varios derivados de sus 18 años (lo adoptamos ya mayor). me quedo muy tranquila porque sé que va estar atendido 24h de sus necesidades y achaques y además por una veterinaria. Lo cuidan tanto que cuando voy a recogerle no parece muy contento.”

Noe & Python

“Dog welfare have been a life saver for us! They are well educated and have a great love for dogs. When Brady is with them we know he is in great hands and having an amazing time. The updates they give us daily ease our minds and we love seeing the videos and pictures of him having a great time with them and other dogs. We could not recommend them enough, we are so happy to have found them! Thank you for all that you do for our pup!”

Kate, Tom & Brady

“Tengo una perrita de dos años que se llama Ori, hace más de un año tuve la suerte de conocer a Camila y ahora siempre que viajo la dejo con los chicos de dogwelfare. Ori es una perrita muy miedosa y muy sensible y desde el primer día Camila ha sabido muy bien cuáles son sus necesidades. La cuidan como si fuese suya, y yo me quedo totalmente tranquila sabiendo que Ori se queda en las mejores manos. Me mantienen siempre informada de cómo está Ori, de lo que han hecho, de los problemas que pueda tener. Incluso les pido consejo sobre distintas cosas relacionadas con la perra porque tienen mucha experiencia. Nunca faltan los mimos, los juegos y los cuidados, y Ori está encantada con ellos. Tengo mucha suerte de poder contar con ellos!”

Celia & Ori

“Tuvimos una experiencia sensacional con Dog&welfare cuando estuvieron al cargo de Wanda, por motivos familiares no teníamos tanto tiempo como antes para darle paseos de calidad, y gracias a Marcel y Camila encontramos "Su momento" ese espacio en el que ella podía dar rienda suelta a lo que quisiese hacer y toda la atención que ella necesitaba, la verdad es que me he sentido muy segura dejándola al cargo de ellos dos, siempre que regresaban a casa su cara de cansancio y felicidad me lo decía todo y gracias a las publicaciones en redes sociales de su ratito, también eres consciente de que todo va bien. Fue la mejor decisión que pudimos tomar para que Wanda estuviese bien!!! Muchas gracias chicos!!”

Elsa, Eric, Jean & Wanda

“Un matí passejant l'Ona, vaig conèixer al Marcel, ell passejava un gos, i varem començar a parlar. Desde el primer moment em va transmetre confiança, em va explicar la seva feina amb els gossos, i també amb la Camila a @dogwelfare i a El Bosc. Coses del destí, la familia marxàvem a fer un viatge i era el primer cop que haviem de deixar a les nostres gosses, l'Ona i la Pipa, amb algú que no fos de la família i tot i que teníem alguna opció, no era del gust de tots. Conèixer al Marcel va ser una casualitat del destí. Li vaig explicar a la meva filla, i li vaig dir...l'has de conèixer. L'experiència ha sigut genial, en tot moment ens hem sentit a prop de les nostres gosses, hem vist videos, fotos, i hem vist com les gosses disfrutaven d'aquest espai anomenat El Bosc. L'Ona i la Pipa ho han gaudit i nosaltres doblement en veure-les tant a prop, estant a 1.500 km de distància. Marcel i Camila moltes gràcies per la vostre feina, us desitjem molta sort en aquesta tasca tant maca que començeu junts”

Rosa, Berta & Ona i Pipa




+34 634 78 87 75

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